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Hand and Wrist

Wrist conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, and de Quervain’s syndrome are common conditions that can cause pain and limited mobility in the wrist. Physical therapy is an effective treatment option for individuals suffering from these wrist conditions. At Cornerstone Physical Therapy in Spokane, Washington, physical therapy can be used to alleviate pain, improve function, and promote healing in the wrist.
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One of the primary benefits of physical therapy for wrist conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, and De Quervain’s syndrome is the ability to alleviate pain. Physical therapy can help to reduce pain and inflammation in the wrist by using manual therapy techniques such as mobilization and manipulation. These techniques can help to improve joint mobility and reduce pain by releasing tension in the soft tissues surrounding the hand and wrist.

Another benefit of physical therapy for wrist conditions is the ability to improve strength and flexibility. The therapist may prescribe specific exercises to improve strength and flexibility in the wrist and surrounding muscles. These exercises may include strengthening exercises for the wrist and hand muscles, as well as exercises to improve flexibility in the fingers and thumb.

Improving strength and flexibility in the wrist can help to reduce pain and improve function.
Physical therapy can also help to prevent future injury by addressing any underlying issues that may be contributing to the pain. For example, if poor posture or ergonomics is causing tension in the wrist, the therapist may work with the patient to correct their posture and teach them exercises to maintain proper alignment.

Physical therapy can also be used in combination with other treatments such as medications, splints or surgery. Physical therapy can be used both before and after surgery to prepare the patient for the procedure and to aid in the recovery process.

In addition, the therapist may provide education on proper posture, body mechanics, and activities to avoid to prevent further injury.

Physical therapy is an effective treatment option for individuals suffering from wrist conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, de Quervain’s syndrome, and other conditions impacting the hand and wrist. At Cornerstone Physical Therapy in Spokane, Washington, physical therapy can be used to alleviate pain, improve function, and promote healing. The therapist will use a variety of techniques, including manual therapy, exercise, education and modalities to develop an individualized treatment plan to help the patient achieve their goals. It is important to consult with a physical therapist to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hand and wrist pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, arthritis, fractures, sprains or strains, and nerve damage.
Yes, physical therapy can be an effective treatment option for many types of hand and wrist pain. A physical therapist can create an individualized treatment plan that may include exercises, manual therapy techniques, and education to improve hand and wrist strength, flexibility, and range of motion.
The duration of recovery can vary depending on the cause and severity of the hand and wrist pain. However, many patients experience significant improvement within 4-6 weeks of starting physical therapy.
Yes, your physical therapist can provide you with a list of exercises to perform at home to help alleviate hand and wrist pain. Some examples include wrist curls, finger stretches, and grip strengthening exercises.
You should consider seeing a physical therapist if you’re experiencing hand and wrist pain that’s impacting your daily life, such as difficulty gripping objects, typing, or performing daily activities. Additionally, if you’ve been diagnosed with a hand or wrist condition or injury, physical therapy can be an important component of your treatment plan.

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